Posts tagged Florida
ReQuest Physical Therapy


ReQuest’s Mission: Reinvent physical therapy to not only treat the diagnosed orthopedic issue, but also provide a comprehensive plan for lifelong wellness.

Every business has a story about how it began, someone who had a vision based on a moment, an event, or an experience that would shape the foundation of the business. ReQuest is no different, inspired by a knee injury sustained in a sparring session that would change the practice of physical therapy in Gainesville.

In 1986, Gainesville Health & Fitness owner and ReQuest founder Joe Cirulli injured his knee during a sparring session that would lead to surgery and physical therapy. After weeks of lifting sandbags, he decided that he could do better on his own believing there was a more modern way to strengthen his muscles and a more inspiring environment in which to recover. His passion to make this kind of physical therapy a reality started ReQuest with just one therapist and a medical testing machine called the lumbar extension. The goal was to eliminate spine pain.

The Egoscue Method

New York, California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee

When trapped in chronic pain, it can seem like you’ll never feel better and be able to live the life you want—especially if you’ve tried other therapies and drug-based treatments that only worked temporarily or not at all.

To feel better, you need to focus on the source of your pain.

While most chronic pain treatment methods only address symptoms or try to deaden or mask pain, Egoscue corrects the postural issues that are at the root of your ongoing discomfort. Thousands of people just like you have ditched the pills, found an alternative to surgery, and finally feel better for good.

Welcome to The Egoscue Method.

Mind Body Syndrome & Tension Myositis Syndrome

Here’s a good list of doctors who treat Mind Body Syndrome (MBS) and Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) across the country. The work they do is similar to the psychophysiological approach of Dr. David Schechter, another doctor featured in this resource section, and the acclaimed Dr. John Sarno, who developed the approach.

Mayo Clinic – Pain Rehabilitation Center

Arizona, Florida, Minnesota

The renowned Mayo Clinic – with locations in Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota – has a Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC) in Rochester, Minnesota. Three types of outpatient programs aim to restore patients with chronic pain to an active lifestyle: two are designed for adults, a three-week and a two-day program; and the third is a pediatric program for patients between the ages of 13 to young adulthood. The programs involve behavioral therapy, and guide patients toward a medication-free lifestyle.