Posts tagged California
Pain Psychology Center

Los Angeles, California

The Pain Psychology Center is a facility specializing in the treatment of chronic pain.

Recent studies have shown that chronic back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia symptoms, repetitive strain injury, headaches, and other forms of chronic pain are often not the result of structural causes, but of psychophysiologic processes that can be reversed.

Though the pain can be addressed psychologically, this does not imply that the pain is imaginary. In fact, brain imaging studies have demonstrated that the pain is quite real. Recent research has shown that pain is often the result of learned neural pathways in the brain. And just as pain can be learned, it can also be unlearned.

Dr. John Sarno of the New York University Medical Center has referred to this condition as Tension Myoneural Syndrome (or TMS). For more information on this condition, see “Miracles of Mindbody Medicine,” written by co-founder, Alan Gordon.

This treatment approach has been featured on ABC’s 20/20 and Larry King Live, and has a high success rate in significantly reducing or eliminating chronic pain. For further information on these studies, visit our evidence page.

We use a two-pronged approach when working to eliminate symptoms. First, we work to toward changing one's relationship with the pain. Reframing the meaning of the symptoms often serves to break the pain cycle. The following article discusses the role that reinforcement plays in perpetuating symptoms and the video below introduces the concept of conditioned responses.

InForm Fitness

New York, California, Colorado, Virginia

In the early 90’s, after suffering several exercise related injuries and feeling generally worn out, Adam Zickerman was struck by the notion that brief, intense exercise performed just once a week could yield equal and, possibly superior results compared to his five-day-a-week exercise routines.

For five years, Adam immersed himself in the exercise sciences, and recruited his family and friends as guinea pigs while he developed his exercise protocol. In 1997, he opened his first InForm Fitness – a 300 square-foot space, in a dank basement, with five pieces of used equipment.

The big break came in November that same year when this ‘radical’ workout was featured on the front page (Science section) of the New York Times. This resplendent publicity led InForm to open its second location in midtown Manhattan during the summer of 1999.

InForm’s ecstatic, and quickly growing, client base fueled more national publicity and a book deal with HarperCollins. In 2003, Adam and friend Bill Schley, co-wrote, Power of 10: The Once a Week Fitness Revolution. The book became a NYT’s bestseller and Adam was thrust into the limelight appearing regularly on the local and national media scene extolling the virtues of the Power of 10 workout.

Currently, InForm Fitness’s headquarters is still housed at the same Midtown address, although it’s been expanded to 4,000 square feet and serves over 300 clients weekly. In recent years, InForm has opened additional locations in New York, California, and Virginia – and launched a mobile gym; a 27-foot bus with retrofitted equipment available to train people at their home or office. 


San Diego, California

Dr. Kamshad Raiszadeh, an orthopedic spine surgeon, established SpineZone in 2005 to develop the best aspects of non-operative treatment in an atmosphere of empowerment to maximize the body’s own healing capacity. With this program, many fewer patients have required surgery, and the ones who underwent surgery had much better long term results. Through the 4 clinics Dr. Raiszadeh built in San Diego he learned that with appropriate education, focused strengthening and postural treatment we can decrease the rate of injections and surgery while significantly improving the function and satisfaction of patients.

The Egoscue Method

New York, California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee

When trapped in chronic pain, it can seem like you’ll never feel better and be able to live the life you want—especially if you’ve tried other therapies and drug-based treatments that only worked temporarily or not at all.

To feel better, you need to focus on the source of your pain.

While most chronic pain treatment methods only address symptoms or try to deaden or mask pain, Egoscue corrects the postural issues that are at the root of your ongoing discomfort. Thousands of people just like you have ditched the pills, found an alternative to surgery, and finally feel better for good.

Welcome to The Egoscue Method.

NOI Group: A treasure trove — global listings of OCS specialists

Once in a while, I stumble across a treasure trove of expertise.  The NOI Group mostly provides training and seminars to physical therapists, but with a little sleuthing,  this listing will help you find a top-notch practitioner in your corner of the world.  Use Google to do the rest.


Sibley Spine Center


Sibley Spine focuses on identifying and effectively treating the specific underlying root problem - not just covering up the symptoms with medication. Their advanced systems and state-of-art technology allows them, utilizing spinal isolation technique, to carefully deliver precisely calculated healing forces of progressive resistive dynamic resistance and motion to the injured areas of the spine. This stimulates tissue, disc and joint cartilage growth and repair.  Designated supplements secondarily supply some of the necessary building blocks to enhance healing.

Function continues to improve as the discs and cartilage joints of the spine (facets) continue to heal, allowing pain to progressively diminish. The surrounding muscles can now relax and secondary muscular pain improves as well. As pain is alleviated, function is allowed to improve. During each brief treatment, your body's healing response is guided by custom treatment protocols that are individually designed for your unique and specific problems.

Their highly trained expert staff works closely with a board certified, double fellowshipped orthopedic surgeon who specializes in Disorders of the Spine, and sub-specializes in spinal diagnostics and advanced non-surgical orthopedic treatment approaches.



Robert “Skip” George, D.C., CCSP, CSCS, PRC


Robert “Skip” George, D.C., CCSP, CSCS, PRC has practiced chiropractic in San Diego and La Jolla, CA since 1980. He is one of the handful of chiropractic doctors nationally that integrates chiropractic, rehabilitation and sports performance training. He holds specialties as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner (CCSP), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Postural Restoration Certified (PRC). In addition, he is trained in Active Release Technique (ART), certified in the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) as well as instructing the FMS to students and doctors.