Sibley Spine focuses on identifying and effectively treating the specific underlying root problem - not just covering up the symptoms with medication. Their advanced systems and state-of-art technology allows them, utilizing spinal isolation technique, to carefully deliver precisely calculated healing forces of progressive resistive dynamic resistance and motion to the injured areas of the spine. This stimulates tissue, disc and joint cartilage growth and repair. Designated supplements secondarily supply some of the necessary building blocks to enhance healing.
Function continues to improve as the discs and cartilage joints of the spine (facets) continue to heal, allowing pain to progressively diminish. The surrounding muscles can now relax and secondary muscular pain improves as well. As pain is alleviated, function is allowed to improve. During each brief treatment, your body's healing response is guided by custom treatment protocols that are individually designed for your unique and specific problems.
Their highly trained expert staff works closely with a board certified, double fellowshipped orthopedic surgeon who specializes in Disorders of the Spine, and sub-specializes in spinal diagnostics and advanced non-surgical orthopedic treatment approaches.