Posts in Meditation
Clearmind Posture Meditation Cushion

The Clearmind Posture Cushion has a unique design making it the perfect cushion for meditation. A base of firm upholstery foam provides stability and shape (for good posture) while a top layer of memory foam provides unparalleled comfort while sitting. The Clearmind Posture Cushion is perfect for beginners and experienced meditators alike but is also suitable for anyone who wants to improve their posture. 

Available at

Headspace: A Meditation App

Contributed by Caryn S. Feldman, PhD, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center For Pain Management:

The app Headspace, designed by a team including a former Buddhist monk and some brilliant computer developers, was created to show you – no matter who you are and what your lifestyle – how to meditate. With an easy and effective technique for meditation, learn how to sleep better, manage stress, and engage in other practices that can lead to feeling happier. It’ll take you no more than ten minutes a day, and the results will be transformative.

Dan Harris, co-anchor of ABC’s “Nightline,” talks a little about how and why he found his way to meditation, his new book on the subject of meditating in the modern age, and the positive results meditative practices have produced for him.

“Living Well with Pain and Illness,” Vidyamala Burch

Contributed by Caryn S. Feldman, PhD, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center For Pain Management:

In the book “Living Well with Pain and Illness: The Mindful Way to Free Yourself from Suffering,” author Vidyamala Burch shares her experience with disability and chronic back pain, and the way that mindfulness practices helped her overcome her suffering and renew her life with a positive outlook and decreased pain. Find the book on Amazon.

“Break Through Pain,” Shinzen Young

Contributed by Caryn S. Feldman, PhD, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center For Pain Management:

Meditation expert Shinzen Young offers a mindfulness-meditation program called “Break Through Pain” for the specific purpose of dealing with both chronic and acute pain. Meditation techniques have proven extremely effective for pain patients worldwide. Find the book and audio CD for the program together on Amazon.

Dharma Seed

Contributed by Caryn S. Feldman, PhD, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center For Pain Management:

This website, Dharma Seed, is a resource that offers meditation talks and lists teachers and retreats related to Western Buddhist Vipassana Teachings. Many of the meditations offered are helpful in dealing with pain and suffering – browse through and simply pick whatever titles appeal to you. Certain of the talks are geared toward people who already have some experience with meditation, but others are more accessible, and there are also other resources that serve as a point of entry (see the resource entry here for “Audio Dharma”).

Audio Dharma

Contributed by Caryn S. Feldman, PhD, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Center For Pain Management:

Meditation teacher Gil Fronsdal has a wonderful website, called Audio Dharma, with lots of meditations to download and listen to, whether at home or on the go. Go to the home page and navigate through the topics on the left side. Click on “Pain” to find a number of meditations and talks that specifically address dealing with pain.