Posts in McKenzie Method
Integrative Physical Therapy and Spine Treatment Center


Our mission at Integrative Physical Therapy is to provide skilled therapeutic services in a comfortable and welcoming environment. We will aim to achieve the most rapid, cost effective, evidence based, and complete recovery possible. Additionally, we would like to provide patient and public education regarding healthcare terminology and treatments. Patients should understand the purposes of the tests, procedures, terminology, and exercises that may be presented, recommended, or offered to them by us or other healthcare providers.

Pure HealthyBack Michigan Rehab and MedX


If you’re in Michigan, count yourself lucky – you’ve got seven of the top rehab facilities scattered around the state. Pure HealthyBack Michigan uses MedX medical therapy machines, exercise machines and the McKenzie Method to treat spine patients. And spine patients are the only patients they treat. Be sure to view the excellent video demonstration of how MedX works (look for the hyperlink “Watch our video” about halfway down the page).